Sunday, October 31, 2010
You know who you are...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Better Country...
I find the level of anger that people express toward each other when the subjects of politics and or religion come up shameful. Think about this, it is virtually impossible in my opinion to speak to or about people with such massive amounts of hatred and viciousness unless in your've ALREADY dehumanized them.
Conservative. Liberal. Those are just words. There are NO positive or negative associations with either...except the ones that we place on them. The question is, why the labels? Because it's easier to step on a "liberals head" than to step on "Nancy's head". It's easier to call that guy a "Nigger" than to call "Jeff" that. That's what the labels are...excuses. Excuses to mistreat, to hurt, to kill. We should be and are much better than that.
Unfortunately being a good human being doesn't bring in good ratings, but who's fault is that? Ours. We reward assholes, we elect liars, we make racists multimillionaires, why? Because doing the right thing seems harder to do. In many ways, in the short run it probably is. But we must think long term. The people who fought for civil rights had NO idea that in their lifetime that they'd be able to right in the front of the bus or drink from any fountain or go to any school that they could afford. They didn't know, but they fought ANYWAY. How many of them do you think would believe you if you said "By the time you retire...there will be a Black President of The United States named Barack Hussein Obama?" None. But they fought anyway. So should we, if a better country is what we really want.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Special Message to "Slick"politicians....
Friday, October 22, 2010
My quick political commercial...
The Security Guard
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Easy Button?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A message for people who spew racism, sexism, any negative "ism". What good do you think will come of it? Is being an asshole that much fun?
When you're standing among your friends and family...if you see nothing but assholes...wait...this post is going all wrong...
Cellphone cameras have moved people past the Mendoza Line of jerkdom into the All-star league of assholishness.
"Hey girl, It's time for your uterus to do some window shopping!" #badeuphemismforsexwithacondomon
Why aren't people suspicious as to why secret billionaires spend millions to get a stranger a $100,000 per year job? Nothing shady there...
Validation is like a drug, small amounts are healthy, too much can kill you and if you get it from a hooker your balls burn. Wait, what?...
These young, cool celebrities are missing out on a lucrative endorsement. If they started wearing Depends, and made them hip...$$$$
Saturday, October 16, 2010
"I don't care" should NEVER be followed by a twenty minute list of things that you DON'T WANT! NEVER...or go to the store YOURSELF!
I feel like kicking ass and taking identities. YOU stop at just taking names, wuss!
"No! No! No!" - Don't EVER anger a three input woman. EVER.
"If you don't keep it down, I'll turn this car right around!" #thingscarjackersdontfindfunny
Special message to d-bags...we (everyone else) feel about you, the way we know that you feel about you. We don't like you. Thank you.
Gave my 20something cousin a ride to a baby shower. She was mortified that someone thought we were a couple. Like i'd dump my Aunt for her.
I have some comic friends that are MUCH more successful than I am. Duh! Someone I know said to me “You’d probably be further along if you were a little jealous of them.” I say if that’s the price of admission…no thanks. I’ll get there, but I’ll get there WITHOUT that.
Please don't answer innocuous questions too seriously. "Nice WEATHER" shouldn't proceed "I don't know WHETHER to stay with my wife" STFU!
Murders...hours per week of airtime. In-depth analysis and accuracy regarding politics....still waiting...
Apathy and extremism lead to the same result. Failure. See you in November America.
I'll post more stuff in a minute, I want to hear how the story in this song ends. Apparently this guy is rich and sleeps with lots of ladies. Go on...
Would I like to know where these politicians get their money? Of course! But what I'd really like to know is where do they get their "facts" from? I say this because they lie so openly that I don't even need to go to a separate information source to debunk them...unless you consider general knowledge & common sense separate information sources.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hey, just keeping it real...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
My contention...
Why is it that America only shows what it COULD be occasionally? My contention is...America is not this land mass. It's the people ON this land mass. ALL OF THEM. That INCLUDES people of color, homosexuals, trans-gender, people of different religions, people of NO religion, women and men etc.
Do you see how people treat each other at Christmas time and New Years? You get more smiles. Strangers talk to each other with respect and positive expectancy. It could always be like that. It's our collective choice.
Collective choice also comes into play in our politics. Are we really as a nation, going to put into power, people that are openly racist, homophobic & misogynistic? Are we really going to put into power people who take pride in openly kicking people when they're down? What does it take to make people stop and think? Just because a party in power USUALLY loses seats, doesn't mean that they HAVE TO. Especially not now.
We are better than this. I hope.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I'm starting to see "toppings" on women's bottoms as they walk past me.
An awakened man, when noticing the sleeping humanity surrounding him shows his true character by the number of boobs he doesn't slurp on.
Enough with the damned cellphone commercials! At this point there should be NO PLACE without coverage. Perfect THAT, then advertise.
Why stop at 18 games? Let's just make it a 100 game season....because the NFL takes such good care of retired players.
Why do we let politicians lie their asses off in commercials? Can't we at least hold them to the same standards that we have for vegetables?
I'm a critical you hear that? It's the sound of me being dis-invited from several groups that require mindless group thinking.
Special message to assholes. Conflict isn't ALWAYS necessary, it is however SOMETIMES a necessary evil. Understand?
Playstation should change the name of it's new game from "Playstation Move" to "Suck it Wii."
Americans were given a travel warning about trips to Europe. Americans responded by asking “Who the fuck can afford to go to Europe? I’ve been jobless for 6 months!"
S. Anthony says...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Women that start relationships with guys in prison for life, reside at the place where control freak and low self esteem meet.
As a man, you want your woman to ROAR like a Ferrari. You DO NOT want her Lexus QUIET. FYI, ladies for you, I'll sleep in the oil slick.
One Nation Rally---->Click Here
Whenever you go to a website and it makes a point of letting you know, that it knows what city you’re in…it’s annoying. It’s like the asshole that goes with you to see a movie that they’ve already seen and having that person constantly going “Here it comes! This part is cool! Here it comes!” STFU! I get it, you know stuff! Okay! Geez.
Watching extremists try to gain power in DC is like watching an a-hole drunk trying to get the car keys. Sorry, can’t let you hurt others.
I need to get a girlfriend. I'm tired of going through the "I hope she doesn't freak out when I want to (insert your kink here) her" moment.