Monday, November 1, 2010

I vote because I give a damn.'s your turn...

I am your worst nightmare informed member of the electorate. *devilish laugh crescendoing*

Man, that new Hammer record dissing the guy that cut him off in traffic is hot!! ;-)

Skating with the Stars...higher chance of injury...increased chance of ME watching!

Politicians, stop showing YOUR kids on TV...we know you care about them. Show the American people that you care about THEIR children!

I am working on creating "Nipple Viagra"...because sometimes, you DON'T want the room cold but you DO want hard nips...

Tomorrow, if you see me with ice on my knuckles and I'm laughing, you'll know that someone tried to intimidate me at the polls. ;-)

The voting booth...America on sodium pentothal.

They say this terrorist is a GENIUS? He sends bombs to jewish synagogues from YEMEN? Hey, I've got mail from the Klan! Let's open it...

Elect President, get mad, elect other party, realize you f*cked = the new lather, rinse, repeat. That's why your eyes are burning.

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