Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bush was upset that Kanye said that he didn't like black people? Do you know who else said that? The rest of the black people.

Politicians would get things done if they acted as teammates against society's ills and not as opponents...but that would take maturity.

Just had some "Fat Free" chocolate up, I'm going to use condoms with Novocaine in them.

No! No one can tell.... (Just practicing. I have lots of delusional friends with esteem issues. I need to be convincing)

George Bush wrote a book, Sarah Palin wrote a book...and you didn't. Don't YOU feel stupid?

"Girl, you know that this is my heavy flow day..." Should NEVER be said on a cellphone, in public, within earshot of another human being.

When is this Sarah Palin reality series called "In your face everyday" going to get cancelled?

If she doesn't try to chew the ropes's NOT kinky. (I love to amuse AND inform)

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