Boehner to Obama "Keep your friend out of WI..." America to Boehner "Keep YOUR friends out of women's uteruses" #wiunion
If the WI protests are scary to them, imagine if there were MILLIONS of Native Americans left...ohhhh, THEY'D be in real trouble! #wiunion
When kicking people when they're down isn't enough, they stomp them when they're lying in a hole. #congress #wiunion
"Yeah! Cut ALL of THEIR stuff from the budget! Yeah! Wait? Now you're cutting MY stuff!?! Wait!" - The near future for xenophobic voters
If your tattoo is on your boobs or butt, YES I want to see it! Why did you even bother to ask that!?!
Guys that say to women with big chests "Got Milk?" thinking it's funny... it's okay to follow them into an alley and body slam them, right?
My "Lady Killer" buddy just did the math, he's been with MORE women, but I've had MUCH MORE sex because I'm a "relationship guy". Ha! WIN!
I'm sorry sir, there are no seats left on this train to the wrong side of history. Congress took ALL of the seats.
Saw the neighbor's cat chase a squirrel up a tree, then I had to get the cat for her cute little kid. I'm going to kick that squirrel's ass.
How long until there's a WI protest episode of "Glee"? Quickly followed by a surge in TV sales after millions shoot their TV screens...
Congress DOESN'T like YOU. What, YOU'RE rich and powerful? Well they like YOU...but the rest of you mofos...nope. Thought you should know.
60 mph wind blew trash all over. You know what that means, right? TRASH BAG FIGHT! *POW* Oh, sorry... I should have recycled those bottles.
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