Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm Just Saying...

New name for hookers: "Vaginal Rental Agents". Work for you?

Those full body scanners are going to be the start of a new industry...scanner porn. Aww yeah, look at her pancreas.

How cold was my ex girlfriend?....My tongue stuck to her ass.

Breaking News!!! Brit Hume tells the Dalai Lama "If you'll just convert to can return to China" Film @ 6 & 11

Do these pants make my junk look fat?

I wonder how much money we would generate if we made drug dealers pay taxes? But, uh...don't tax hookers. NOT HOOKERS!!! Understand!!

Breaking News!!! Brit Hume tells the Dalai Lama "If you'll just convert to can return to China" Film @ 6 & 11

Breaking News!! Women: Daily sex with S. Anthony Thomas has the same effect as plastic surgery, healthy eating & winning the powerball....

Guns in the locker room at an NBA stadium? What did they think it was...a high school or something?

My friend got his ass kicked by the "Tooth Fairy"...apparently he doesn't like being called that. He prefers "Tooth Removal Technician"

The title of the show from what I saw just flipping through the channels should be changed to "I'd hit that till my balls are sore Betty"

This person chose not to watch the peoples choice awards. Ironic huh?

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