Is there any way to inject nicotine into common sense so certain people become addicted to it?
They should bring caning here from Singapore. First usage? Start with relatives of mine that shower with the curtain open! I digress...
100 degrees on the east coast. There's enough boob sweat'm sorry, I forgot the punchline. It's like a wet t-shirt contest here!
Don't worry, in three days the Internet will rise from the dead...and it's 12 search engines will rejoice! hallelujah! Say it with me!!
Well, with it being 100 degrees, at least you know that your teen wasn't screwing in your car.....wait, check the garage! Slick bastards!
What is it about religion and politics that brings out the "a-hole-ish-ness" in people? Oh...inaccuracy.
The Internet is like Oprah, say something negative about it...and you get your ass whooped!
Guys should stop saying "girl, I'd drink your bath water". That's gross. There's soap in it. Rinse her off and apply syrup first, weirdos.
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