Friday, March 23, 2012

You're blaming Trayvon's hoodie for the shooting Geraldo? That's like blaming a sexual assault victim for wearing a low cut top. Wrong bro.

I troll trolls by leaving valid arguments on their pages and then offering to discuss our differences over a home cooked lunch. Yeah. I win.

All of the energy used hating black people could be better spent finding flag colored shirts that actually fit.

I wonder how Pat Robertson's face stays dry after all of the crazy shit he says. I mean, so much of what he says is "Spit take" worthy.

"A crotchless chastity belt? Dude, you so don't get it." - early production meeting conversation

As warm and comfy as it is in my testicles, sperm sure seems to burn rubber once I decide to let it out.

"You are NOT the mother!"
- Maury hits rock bottom with his guests

" get your ass whipped and you get your ass whipped and..." - Oprah quits OWN and buys the UFC

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