Monday, March 12, 2012

Just so you know, being bound and gagged isn't ALL bad.

Who cares what religion the President is? If it makes a difference, you're a RELIGIOUS bigot. But we know you're just regular bigots. Yup.

I clicked my heels together 3 times and all I got out of it was a bunch of guys walking past saying "Yo, why are you wearing heels bro?"

Election day, HURRY! Watching rich guys lie to dumb people is getting boring. Oh well, time to watch reality TV and take it seriously...

Virginia is the first state that is no longer happy assaulting women metaphorically ONLY.

Why are all of these politicians so mad women's genitals? They have been GREAT to me! I recommend them highly.


Dear priests, preachers etc. The religion DOESN'T belong to YOU. Stop thinking that church is a buffet for your ego.


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