Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yo mama is like Staples, she has an "Easy" button. She also is the cornerstone business in the downtown area of several large cities. What?

What would be more fun to find out tomorrow morning, that you won $500 bucks or that Marcus Bachmann blew Rick Santorum on film?

"If you don't find Al Bundy funny, your citizenship should be revoked." - Dudes

I'm back. Orgy time. No, just me. I do these ALONE. You people are weird.

I just strapped a dog to the roof of my car, drove around the block and some rich old guys gave me $100 million. Mitt is onto something...

YouTube's comment section auto corrects any comment to "F**K you N*gger" so, I apologize racists. It wasn't you. Just kidding, you suck.

Yeah yeah yeah, Mitt won in Puerto Rico, my question is this....who were the people who voted FOR Santorum? Talk about self hatred.

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