I love summertime. I can spend more time banging you in my mind and less time undressing you...because you don't wear much. Thanks ladies.
You could make a fortune teaching segue classes to news anchors and meteorologists and pun avoidance to sports anchors.
It's prom time or as I like to call it...."The first time that a guy spends A LOT OF MONEY to bang your daughter night" Enjoy.
Don't judge a book by it's cover...judge it by the douche bag carrying it...and the porno mag hidden inside. That is all.
Suspicious balloon with white powder found in Philly by Liberty bell... apparently terrorists don't know what pissed off Philly fans can do.
...making the decision to not buy into fished for compliments by the Narcissistic since...now.
I want to f*ck someone all night to a loop of "Macarena". I want to see if the sex cures my normal need to shoot myself after hearing it.
We don't have vibrators ladies...we do however have overloaded washing machines and women who don't mind banging on them. That's cool right?
Guys! When we try to act uninterested in ladies but secretly would do anything for some of their lovin'...THEY KNOW!!! MY GOD, THEY KNOW!!!
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