I'm home alone. Porn isn't as much fun when you don't have to lock the door. Helloooo open window! Hope my hot neighbor doesn't see me!
Ladies if you knew how great it feels to be deep IN you, you'd demand MORE from us, but if you let us in MORE, we wouldn't mind the demands.
Edible undies are like the light weights you use at the gym to prepare you for the REAL workout. Yeah, gotta get that pump!
Ashes flicked out of a moving car hit the backseat passengers in the face. In other news...hot cigarettes can really burn the back of neck.
It's official. You CAN love someone... and NEED to be away from them. No more explanation is necessary...is it? Didn't think so.
...because you want your doctor to know whether it's excess adipose tissue or a swollen liver. Miller LIGHT!
"C'mon baby, if public ridicule meant anything to me, do you think I'd be seen with YOU in public?"#lastthingheremembersbeforeitwentdark
What is it about picking up gross things for others at the drug store, that brings out hotties who like me until they see what I'm holding?
Cheaters.... a show for people too busy to take a flight to the Springer show. Also, they're SLIGHTLY MORE attractive.
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