Friday, February 24, 2012

Got the rubber glove treatment from the doctor Wednesday and a scaling from the dentist on if you see me, don't touch me please. (This does not apply to cute ladies, you are REQUIRED to feel me up)

Franklin Graham... we see yooooou. I don't think the bible says anything about evangelists being political hacks. I could be wrong....

NOW I feel better…. Mind cleared. Heart warmed. Thanks Mrs. Michelle Obama!


I am ashamed... I just saw these pictures of Sarah Palin…she was giving a red meat speech to conservatives…IT MOVED. (Seinfeld fans, you know what I mean)

BAD genitals! BAD!!!! Her politics suck!


No, I'm not mad, this is the beginning of my TO DO list... (Women only)

Watching people argue via videos on's safer that way, less chance of getting a stray bullet in the ass.

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