Monday, December 27, 2010

Anyone that can go from 0-the world is ending in two seconds...STFU and stay away from me. You are annoying.

Anyone that can go from 0-the world is ending in two seconds...STFU and stay away from me. You are annoying.

Haley Barbour probably pleasures himself to the movie "Roots"

I make my money selling Clichés to Maury Povich paternity test guests. Right now "Step up and be a father" is my hottest seller.

To make ME feel guilty, I first have to acknowledge your existence. That's too high a price to pay. #wordsofwisdom

Too many cellphone camcorders = you can NO LONGER lie about getting it on with a hottie in a church parking lot... they say...

With a new year coming up, the new congress will be in and they can finally start helping everyday Americans....HAHAHAHAHAHA! I tried!!

I need to borrow some money. My website wikimouthshut didn't work out as well as I'd hoped.

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